Thursday, April 17, 2008

Comment Crack, Blog Bling...Whatever

If you do anything 100 times, you're bound to get better at it, get faster at it or at least learn from it. Or at a minimum, you sure better be figuring out shortcuts, cheats or ways to cut corners.

No, I'm not talking about WoW or any other video game. This is about blogging. This post is my 100th and I can't believe how much I've learned along the way. I thought I would take a little time to highlight some features and upgrades I have made to my blog as well as point out a few ways that you can and should take advantage of it! But if you already know all of it, skip to the bottom where I'm looking for some advice.

First, my blog is now DoFollow friendly. Using the tutorial at Tips 4 Blogspot, I took out the nofollow limits. So when you comment on my blog or post a link in the comments, it should help your search engine ratings. With that being said, if you decide to comment, consider using the "Name/URL" option instead of the blogger login. You won't get the pretty avatar picture next to your comment, but you'll get link love coming back your way. Along that same line, if you use Feedjit, then it will accurately show where the traffic came from instead of being routed through the Blogger profile screen. It should also reflect correctly in your statistical details.

So that leads me to the next thing - Comment crack. Every blogger knows exactly what I'm referring to. That insatiable desire to have comments about their posts. I never thought I would get that way, but I sure have. I'm excited any time more than just a few people comment! I also have a similar problem - Stat crack. I check my stats all. the. time. It's ridiculous and I know it. Checking my stats doesn't get people to my blog, commenting does. Yet I like to go and see who, where, and what keywords or referrals are showing up.

If I spent more time writing posts and less time playing with the template, I would probably have more readers! Honestly though, I'm having fun learning about it all.

In case you hadn't noticed, I added a Blogrush widget... that pretty pink one that says "From the Blogosphere" that has random feeds from other Blogrush users. If anyone is interested in getting their own, please click through mine so I can get the referral. Pretty please.

Now here's the part where I need some input. I'm always looking for more blog widgets, bling, swag or whatever you call it. I like finding new sites like the MomBlog Network. Since so many offer referral credit, I'm holding off on signing up until someone can benefit from it. Just leave a comment and an opinion for anything like MomBlog Network, Blogarama, Cre8Buzz, Mr. Linky, Twitter, Bloglisting or any others that you may be part of. I'm not familiar with any of them, I just see them on several blogs and am looking for more information and/or a referral to them. If I get more than one referral to the same network, I'll use a randomizer to spread the wealth.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 100 posts and look forward to the next 100! Thanks for coming along on my journey!


  • Anonymous

    here's your daily crack and let me tell you I can relate.

    keep believing

  • Texasholly

    Am I only enabling if I comment?

    I really found this interesting. I had no idea about the following linkage thing which now I will need to go madly study because that is what I am like.

    I haven't done any of the network things. All I can say is that all the cool kids are on Twitter, but I have resisted because I am afraid that I would be sucked into a black hole and never return to my REAL life. I would love to hear what you find out from others. I am about to change a bunch of stuff on my blog and I am in the research mode right now too.

    OK, that is long enough that it should count as a blog post for me!

  • Sarah

    Congrats on your 100th post! I am so sad at blogging that I do not even know what post I am on. :-) And that is why I really have no idea about widgets and whatnot. I just ignorantly and blissfully blog away, and hope that people like my boring and simplistic blog. Ha! :-)
    (I love your new picture, by the way. Adorable girls!)

  • Paranoid

    Congrats on your 100th!

    In all honesty, I've never heard of most of the blog thingies you mention in your post -- I am decidedly low-tech about things. But your blog looks fun and great, so that's good.

  • Miss Lisa

    I'm pretty new to blogging and impressed with your tips--if only I could understand them ;)
    Congrats on the 100th post!
    (Did I do the comment link thing right lol?)

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for your comments :)

    I've been meaning to tell you in that photo your husband edited up top, your daughter with the red hair looks older then she is. They are both cute!!


  • MommyTime

    Congratulations on 100 posts. I love that you figured out how to follow in a way that was more efficient. If I weren't about to switch to WordPress, I would follow all your directions tonight!

  • Anonymous

    I have been trying to find out how to get my comments to go to my blog instead of my profile - this is awesome! I just got linked to The Mom Blogs, which is cool, and I am going to join Blogrush through your widget and see how I like it. Thanks for some great ideas!

    I just found your blog yesterday so I will be back and wanted to say hi to a fellow midwesterner (I grew up in the Quad Cities but am now in PA).

  • Sarah

    *lol* We all know I LIVE for the Stat crack ;) And if playing with the template weren't so bloody fun, it wouldn't be so bloody addictive now, would it? *G* Believe me, I totally understand where you're coming from. Hence why I'm looking to change my template to a 4-column one like you have!!

  • Tara R.

    Congrats! Here's to many more 100s to come.

  • Anonymous

    Oh yeah, all about the comment and stat crack. Totally get it. Check out Definitely the best $6 you'll ever spend. Particularly interesting is how the random blog hits stumble onto your site via a google search.

    Also, I actually dug around looking for the URL you mentioned in re: alternate templates. You mentioned it once before and I cannae find it. Can you refresh my memory?

    Back to my chrono. Enjoy your week.


  • Tara

    Congrats on 100!

    When I started my blog I got the free site meter because someone told me too. I have never payed attention to it, if it's addicting maybe that's a good thing? LOL

    I am still a newbie in the sense that I have no clue what I am doing other than throwing up a post every now and then, now I am off to check out tips for blogspot, lol.

  • Anonymous

    Congrats on your 100th post!

    Have you checked out
    I just joined it and so far so good. Not much traffic from it so far, but it is a pretty new site, I think.

  • Real Life Sarah

    Congrats on your 100th post!

  • Anonymous

    I really don't check my stats very often. I probably should! And its always nice to get comments, that's for sure. If nothing else, comments at least let you know someone is out there reading your blog!!! I also have no idea what Twitter is or the other services you mentioned..... I'll have to look into them. Congrats on your 100th post!

  • Nicole Brady

    Comment Follow-ups!
    Angie - Do I thank you or sympathize with you? I'm not sure if it's a good thing to need a daily dose!
    HRH - Enabler! I haven't done the twitter thing either because I'm having enough trouble just keeping up with the blog.
    Sarah - I only noticed what post I was on because I had one in draft mode and went back looking for it and saw that my post was in the 80's or so - then I started watching! And about the photo, I didn't think it was anything special until DH got his hands on it and I realized it was a gem!
    Paranoid - Thanks for thinking the blog looks fun. I wanted something different from the norm. It started low-tech also then I got addicted!
    Lisa - Hopefully you'll find something useful from the tips. (And no, the comment thing didn't work right for a few people so I changed the note under "Leave your comment" to help clear it up. Hopefully)
    Mel - Please don't age Miss M any faster because she's already growing too fast. :)
    Mommytime - Moving to Wordpress, huh? Be sure to check out the CommentLuv widget because it's pretty cool. I think it works with Wordpress. Wish it worked with Blogger!
    Wheresthebox - I just recently signed up with the Mom Blogs also. And it's nice to see a fellow Midwesterner!
    Sadie - Glad I'm not the only person with a Stat Crack addiction. As for the 4 column template, I searched tons and only found like three and this was the only one I liked.
    Tara R - Thanks for the congrats. 100's more, OMG, I'm just trying to get a few more. hehe
    Sonny - I use the free sitemeter thing but find it very limited. I can't justify paying for the service when there are so many free ones out there. My template came from FinalSense. There's a link at the bottom of my blog.
    Tara - Good for you if you aren't addicted to the stats. I regularly check to see where people clicked from, how many subscribe, what they click out to. Blogger voyeurism?
    Janel - Thanks for the mombloggersclub tip!
    Sarah - Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again!
    Arizona - Yeah, it's nice to know people are reading and comments help me realize that.

  • Anonymous

    Well, it worked. Your comment on my blog got me to yours. Here is a little comment crack just for you!

    Thanks for the tip on the DoFollow! I had no idea!
