Thursday, July 31, 2008

15 Reasons Why I Love You

Hey you. Yes, you. If you're reading this, don't go getting any funny ideas. Even though I may love you for reading my blog, this post isn't for you or about you.

You see, today is my anniversary. It's been 15 years since that wonderful day when I became Mrs. DH. As a bonus, 16 years ago today, he proposed to me by hiding my ring inside my fish tank. On a shell kind of shaped like a finger. If it weren't for reflection caused by the sun shining in on it that afternoon, I don't know how long he would have hidden it there.

But that's a story for another day. Today, it's about DH. For DH.

15 Reasons Why I Love You
(If I list the rest of the reasons, I wont have anything to type next time!)

15. Your eyes make me smile and your smile makes me melt. I've thought you were handsome since the day we met... and as we age, I still think you are and even more so!
14. You joke about my faults to make me realize they aren't that big of a deal. When you know something trivial is bothering me, you tease me until I laugh.
13. You love me despite all of the things that are wrong with me.
12. You are constantly thinking. No matter what you are working on, whether it be the computer, your profession, something with the kids - you are always looking for ways to improve it, make it better, make it more profitable. I see a jungle gym in the winter and you see a potential igloo.
11. You never hesitate to help my family when they need it.
10. You are not afraid to learn something new. So many years ago, when the job market was tough, you taught yourself computer graphics (among other things). You put those skills into practice and they are what ultimately got us to where we are today. Whenever you have the chance to improve yourself, you do.
9. You encourage me to make decisions on my own based on what I think is best. Even when you know there may be a better solution. And you don't even say "I told you so." Sometimes.
8. You are fun! I tease you about being my 3rd child, but really, you are a lot of fun to be around. You play with the kids, find new places to explore, take the family to the movies, festivals and conventions, and even suggest a picnic lunch with the girls.
7. You're funny. Although I roll my eyes and groan at some of your jokes, you are quite comical. It was apparent on our first date when I walked you around our campus and showed you the various sculptures of "Ascend." As you put it "I ascended you a letter?"
6. You are creative and talented.
5. Sears Tower. Comiskey.
4. You are always supportive. No matter what I venture out to do, you stick with me and encourage me. Whether it be joining the gym, participating in an activity, starting a new hobby or just spending time with my friends. Even when I wanted to stop working to become a stay-at-home-mom, you supported me.
3. You are modest - which is why I have to tell you these things.
2. You are a wonderful father and our girls are fortunate to have such a great dad.
1. You are a thoughtful and caring husband. I never ask for anything because you always get it for me or do it for me... sometimes even before I know I want it!

I am blessed to be your wife. Thank you for the past 15 years. For all the great times and memories. I'm looking forward to all that is still to come.

I love you.


  • Flutterby

    Happy Anniversary!! Today is my friend Bunny's 20th!! What an EXTREMELY cool day this is!

  • Tara

    Okay your post may be for your DH but I had to say Happy Anniversary! That was a wonderful post and I am so glad I found your blog, you make me step back and truly appreciate all that I have. So again Happy Anniversary and thank you too!

  • Anonymous

    Happy Anniversary you two. I got teary eyed because he is everything you said Nik. I still remember the first time Dory and I met him at some family event. The four of us played Jenga and though I can't remember the conversation -you said something that this new boyfriend commented on and Dory grinned at me and leaned over to say.."he's gonna fit into this family just fine". We knew we liked him right then and there..and my admiration for the two of you just grows everyday. Realize that you two though younger than me, were an example of what a healthy, happy relationship was. Lucky Lucky girls to have you two for parents! Happy Anniversary! I think you both got a great catch and were smart enough to hang on to it.
    Love Aunt DeeDee

  • Trish

    Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful guy you have. :)

  • runningwildkids

    Congrats to both of you! It is a wonderful thing to survive in this world and still retain a great marriage!

  • Anonymous

    That is the sweetest post!
    Sounds like a great guy!

  • Anonymous

    Congrats! It is actually my wife and my 10th anniversary this Saturday. The ring in the aquarium is a great story.

  • Texasholly

    This is just the sweetest. EVER. You guys are made for each other (obviously!). So sweet.

  • ListPlanIt

    Sounds like you have a wonderful man! Congratulations on 15 years!!


  • Anonymous

    Hi I'm Laura, SAHM
    I just found by following links from other blogs I love to read. And I found this post.
    Congratulations to you and your husband and for your wonderful family.

  • Anonymous

    Great post! Your payment check is in the mail! =P

    Your DH

  • Anonymous

    This is the sweetest thing I've read in a long time! you look so incredibly happy in these pictures! Oh, and #4...I can TOTALLY relate!!! :-)
